  • 28% increase in conversion volume
  • 50% decrease in cost per conversion
  • 21% increase in conversion rate

Background is a flexible, easy-to-use travel booking site. provides a fare aggregator, a metasearch engine, and booking for cheap flights, trains, hotels, and car hire with 24/7 customer support.

Marin’s algorithmic bidding has automated our bidding strategy, while driving down the cost per conversion by over half, both saving time and driving efficiency.

SEM Manager at


In the highly competitive travel booking space, Kiwi wasn’t hitting their goals. Using Google Ads Smart Bidding and manual optimizations, the Kiwi teams were also spending countless hours analyzing campaign data to determine the appropriate bid strategy based on campaign targets.

After coming up short, the company started to look for ways to improve efficiencies and decrease cost per conversion. Marin suggested testing our bidding algorithm for a more automated approach.


Marin’s performance marketing experts provided extensive guidance and consultation to ensure MarinOne Bidding would deliver the desired results with its “always-on” responsive algorithm.

Marin analyzed’s entire account and provided bid strategies that incorporated historical costs per conversion and the company’s specific campaign objectives. Marin was able to provide full transparency into the bid suggestions, and the Kiwi team was able to evaluate forecasted performance with Marin’s comprehensive budget optimizer tool, giving them real-time visibility into how their campaigns were doing.


The campaigns that used MarinOne Bidding experienced exceptional results, and Marin continues to drive down conversion costs:

  • 28% increase in conversion volume
  • 50% decrease in cost per conversion
  • 21% increase in conversion rate